Monday, January 21, 2008

"Writing is Thinking"

When people write they get their thought across to others, therefore influencing their actions of everyday life. Writing is the vehicle for which people express their inner thought and emotions. I think that writers should first brainstorm and make an outline of the ideas. Then they could start writing, so as a result I believe that you need to think before you write. Writing definitely complements thinking, since you cannot write without thinking but even though you might need to think before writing, thoughts might naturally emerge in the process of writing. Writing helps develop thoughts and at the same time make them clearer. Clearer in a way that the reader understands what is trying to be expressed, and what are the exact thoughts that the writer is trying to describe.

I think that you can think in different ways and then write. For example: you can first draw some idea that is in your head or you can express your emotions in the present time. Then you can focus on the picture and you could explain and make the reader understand your emotions or idea and what message are you trying to portray. Another way to express your thoughts before you write is through music. I believe that you can write a song about something that happen that day and express your emotions by venting with your instrument. That’s what I do, I always vent with my instrument. Then later on you can sit down and write something about the song, what drove you to that stage and you can write a poem about it and sing it.

So I believe that in no matter what way you write, you first need to think your emotions or ideas, so when you write them, your expressions could be interpreted much clearer and your message would be delivered.


chavi1984 said...

I definitely agree with you writing is thinking. If we cannot think how can we write?! I really like the way you use music as an example to express your thoughts or emotions.

Zeke said...

Writing may not totally be thinking, Roy. How many people send text messages without worrying really about what they say? Just a thought. I do believe what you said about clarity to be excellent though, something written without clarity is just a jumbled mess, definately need to be clear and easy to read, well put.
